
Production technology of chopped semi-finished products: Meat. meat products

Chopped semi-finished products include cutlets - homemade, Moscow, Kiev, peasant, Krasnodar, meat and cabbage, meat and potato in Belarusian style, meat and vegetable, Nyurba, Yakut, Transbaikal, Buryat, savory, low-calorie children's, chicken children's, chicken school; meatballs - low-calorie children's, chicken children's; schnitzel - Moscow, special; beefsteak - urban, beef, youth; rump steak; minced meat - beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special ^ offal, for steaks; meatballs - Kyiv, Ostankino, meat and vegetable, Leningrad, children's; meat croquettes; dietary dumplings; kuftyu in Moscow.

Chopped semi-finished products are produced in chilled and frozen form.

Chopped semi-finished products are made from beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, venison, meat poultry and offal.

For the manufacture of all types of chopped semi-finished products, meat is used in a cooled, chilled and thawed state, which in terms of quality must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation. Depending on the type of chopped semi-finished products, cutlet meat (beef, pork, mutton, horse), trimmed beef of I and II grades, semi-fat, fatty, single-grade pork, raw beef and pork fat, unsalted sausage fat, deboned chicken meat with skin, mechanically deboned meat. Of the by-products, trimmed meat of beef and pork heads, light pork and beef, trimmed meat trimmings are used.

In addition to meat and animal fats, soy and milk protein preparations, blood plasma, wheat bread, chicken eggs and melange, rice and semolina, bread flour, onions and vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots), as well as milk, butter, drinking water and spices.

Each type of chopped semi-finished products must meet the relevant organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. For cutlets, rump steak and meatballs, a rounded flattened shape is characteristic, for schnitzels - oblong, for minced meat and steaks - rectangular (in the form of briquettes), for meatballs - spherical or elongated-spherical.

On the cut, chopped semi-finished products should look like well-mixed minced meat.

Scheme 5.1. Technological scheme for the production of chopped semi-finished products (cutlets, schnitzels, meatballs, rump steak, beef steak, minced meat)

Minced meat is a homogeneous mass without bones, cartilage, tendons, coarse connective tissue, blood clots and films.

The taste and smell of chopped semi-finished products in raw form should be characteristic of good-quality raw materials, in fried form - characteristic of a fried product. The surface of breaded semi-finished products should be evenly sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

In chopped semi-finished products, they regulate the mass fraction of moisture, fat, salt, bread (if it is provided for in the recipe), as well as the mass of one serving.

The technological process for the production of chopped semi-finished products and minced meat is carried out in accordance with schemes 5.1, 5.2.

Scheme 5.2. Technological scheme for the production of meatballs, croquettes, dietary quenelles, kyufta in Moscow


Recipe 1 Recipe 2
Cutlet beef meat 28,0 21,00 36,0 27,00
Fat trimmed pork 29,7 22,28 20,7 15,53
Raw beef or pork fat or ob- - - 2,00 1,50
cut bacon unsalted
Bread made from wheat flour 13,0 9,75 13,0 9,75
Breadcrumbs 4,0 3,00 4,00 3,00
2,0 1,50 2,0 1,50
OD 0,07 OD 0,07
Melange 2,0 1,50 1,0 " 0,75.
Food salt 1,2 0,90 1,2 0,90
Drinking water 20,0 15,00 20,0 15,00
Total 100th 75,00 100,0 75,00

Moscow cutlets

Below are the recipes for chopped semi-finished products: cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, rump steak (in g per 1 serving); steaks, minced meat, meatballs, croquettes, dietary quenelles, kufta in Moscow (in kg per 100 kg of raw materials).

Cutlets Kyiv

Peasant cutlets
Recipe Recipe 2
Pork trimmed with skin one- 53,7 55,2
wheat bread 11,2 13,0
Melange egg 5,5 5,5
Fresh peeled onion 11,3 6,0
Food salt 1,2 1,2
Pepper black or white ground one 0,1
Drinking water 13,0 15,0
Breadcrumbs 4,0 4,0
Total 100,00 100,0
Cutlets Krasnodar
Recipe Recipe 2
Meat of pork or beef heads 47,00 23,50
Light pork or beef trimmed 21,00 10,50
Bread made from wheat flour, not lower than grade I 12,00 6,00
Breadcrumbs 4,00 2,00
Fresh peeled onion 2,90 1,45
Ground black pepper 0,10 0,05
Melange or chicken eggs 2,00 1,00
Food salt 1,00 0,50
Drinking water 10,0 5,00
Total 100,00 50,00
Cutlets meat-cabbage
Cutlet beef meat 26,90
Fat trimmed pork 12,85
fresh peeled cabbage 20,00
Fresh peeled onion 5,00
Wheat flour I grade 5,00
Breadcrumbs 4,00
Melange or chicken eggs 1,00
Pepper black or white ground 0,05
Food salt 1,20
Drinking water 8,00
Total 100,00

Meat and potato cutlets in Belarusian
Recipe 1 Recipe 2
Cutlet beef meat 34,75 36,75
Chopped boiled potatoes or 30,00 25,00
dry potato raw materials (flakes, granules
ly, grits or dry mashed milk car-
toffee) hydrated
Soy protein, hydrated concentrate 18,00 14,00
Fresh peeled onion 1,00 6,00
Pepper black or white ground 0,05 0.05Q G\(\
Wheat flour I grade 6,00 o,UU
Melange or chicken eggs 1,00 1.00 1 TG\
Food salt 1,20 A PG
Breadcrumbs Drinking water 4,00 4,00 4,00
Total 100,00 100,00
Cutlets meat and vegetable
Cutlet beef meat 35,75
Rice or pearl barley boiled 25,00
Soy protein, hydrated concentrate 18,00
Fresh peeled onion 5,00
Pepper black or white ground 0,05
Melange or chicken eggs 1,00
Food salt 1,20
Breadcrumbs / 4,00
Drinking water 9,00
Total 100,00
Nyurbinsk cutlets
Horse meat trimmed II grade 50,00
Raw horse fat, abdominal or subcutaneous 10,00
Bread made from wheat flour 14,00
Breadcrumbs 2,5
fresh onion 1,6
Ground black pepper OD 1^
Food salt 1,2
Drinking water L), o
Total 100,00
Yakut cutlets
Meat of foals trimmed II grade 42,0
Cutlet pork meat 10,0
Raw horse fat, abdominal or sub- 10,0
Bread made from wheat flour 12 0
Breadcrumbs 1 5
Fresh peeled onion 7 1
Ground black pepper A 1 P 1
Melange or chicken eggs 2,0
Food salt \1
Drinking water 10 1
Total 18,1 100,00
Transbaikal cutlets
Cutlet pork meat 30^00 12,0 2 5
Bread made from wheat flour
Fresh peeled onion
Ground black pepper 0 i
Melange or chicken eggs i.,2
Food salt 1.2
Drinking water on n
Total Buryat cutlets /and, and 100.0
Single-grade horse meat trimmed 45,0
Raw pork or beef fat
Bread made from wheat flour 12"o
Breadcrumbs 2 5
Fresh peeled onion 2,0
Ground black pepper
Melange or chicken eggs V/, 1 2.2
Food salt i",2
Drinking water 20,0 100,0
Spicy cutlets
Cutlet beef meat 23,70
Cutlet pork meat
Frozen white cabbage 36,50
Melange or chicken eggs 2,40
Wheat flour 10,80
Breadcrumbs 3,26
Fresh peeled onion 5 40
Ground black pepper o"o4
Food salt 1D0
Total 100,0
Cutlets low-calorie for children
Cutlet beef meat 18,50
Cutlet pork meat 5,00
Sodium caseinate 0"55

Methylcellulose MC-100 (2.5% solution) 12,00
wheat bread 4,00
Soy protein isolated 0,25
Breadcrumbs 2,00
Fresh peeled onion 1,25
Allspice extract 0,001
Food salt 0,30
Drinking water 4,90
Total 50,0
School chicken cutlets
Heart of hens, chicks 8,0
wheat bread 7,0
Food salt 0,4
Drinking water 8,0
Breadcrumbs 2,0
And th 50,00
Low-calorie meatballs for children
Cutlet beef meat 18,00
Cutlet pork meat 5,00
Powdered skimmed cow's milk 1,60
Sodium caseinate 0,30
Frozen carrots or pumpkin 10,00
wheat bread 4,00
Soy protein isolated 0,25
Breadcrumbs 2,00
Fresh peeled onion 1,25
Allspice extract l 0,001
Food salt 0,30
Drinking water 7,30
Total 50,00
Children's chicken meatballs
Meat of chickens, chickens (boneless with skin) 14,5
Muscular stomachs of chickens, chickens 8,5
Heart of hens, chicks 8,0
Rice groats boiled 14,5
Melange or chicken eggs 1,0
Fresh peeled onion 1,0
Food salt 0,5
Breadcrumbs 2,0
Total 50.00
Moscow chopped schnitzel
Cutlet beef meat 71,00
Fat trimmed pork 16,00
Food salt 1,20
Drinking water 9,75
Breadcrumbs 2,00
Pepper black or white ground 0,05
Total 100,00
Schnitzel special chopped
Cutlet beef meat 35,0
Fat trimmed pork 14,5
Structured Protein Product (SBP) 45,0
Fresh peeled onion 2 $
Food salt 1>
Pepper black or white ground one
Breadcrumbs 2,0
Total 100,0
Structured protein product (SBP) is made
according to the following recipe (in kg per 100 kg of raw materials) i;
blood plasma 68,0
Cutlet beef meat 22,0
Soy protein isolated 8,0
Calcium chloride solution 25% 2,0
Total 100,0
City steak*
Raw material Trimmed beef II grade 80,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Food salt 1,0
Ground black pepper OD
Drinking water 12,0
Breadcrumbs 2,4
"Control yield of the frozen semi-finished product, % of the mass of the feedstock
(without breading) - 106.

Beef steak*
Raw material
Trimmed beef II grade 100,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Food salt 1,0
Ground black pepper 0,1
Drinking water 12,0
Breadcrumbs 2,4
mass of feedstock
(without breading) - 106.
Beefsteak youth *
Raw material
Meat trim beef disassembled 80,0
Pork trimmings disassembled 20,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Food salt 1,0
Ground black pepper one
Drinking water 10,0
Breadcrumbs 3,0
♦Control yield of frozen semi-finished product, % mass of feedstock
(without breading) - 106. Steak
Cutlet beef meat 200,0
Unsalted sausage bacon 30,0
Pepper black or white ground OD
Food salt 1,5
Drinking water 18,4
Total 250,0
Offal mince
Meat of beef and pork heads trimmed 70,0
Light beef or pork trimmed 27,9
Ground black pepper OD t P
Food salt 2,0
Total 100,0
Meatballs Kyiv*
Raw material
Trimmed beef I grade 38,0
Pork trimmed bold 15,0
Pork cheek 27,0
Fresh peeled onion 6,0
Whole milk powder 2,0
Melange egg 3,0
Breadcrumbs Total 9,0 100,0

Spices and materials
Pepper black or white ground 0,1
Food salt 2,0
Drinking water, dm 3 15,0
i masses of raw materials.
Ostankino meatballs*
Raw material
Trimmed beef I grade 76,0
Raw fat 5,0
Sausage lard 3,0
Fresh peeled onion 16,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Pepper black or white ground 0,05
Food salt 2,0
Drinking water, dm 3 15,0
"" Control yield of frozen products, software % > masses of raw materials.
Meat-vegetable meatballs *
Raw material
Trimmed beef I grade 59,0
Fat trimmed pork 10,0
Soy protein, hydrated concentrate 12,0
Chopped boiled potatoes 10,0
Fresh peeled onion 6,0
Melange egg 3,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Pepper black or white ground 0,05
Food salt 2,0
Drinking water, dm 3 15,0
"Control output of frozen products, SOY "■> mass of raw materials.
Leningrad Meatballs*
Raw material
Fresh peeled onion 8,0
Whole milk powder 2,0
Melange egg 3,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Ground allspice OD
Food salt 1,2
Drinking water, dm 15,0
♦Control output of frozen products, 114I b mass of raw materials.

Meatballs for children*
Raw material 54 0
Meat beef trimmed cutlet zo "o
Meat pork trimmed cutlet 10,0
Semolina Onion fresh peeled 2,0 4,0
Whole milk powder 100,0
Total Spices and materials 0 08
Ground allspice V.v/O 1.20
Food salt 15,0
Drinking water, dm 100,0
"■Control yield of frozen products, 114% " JYldH^Dl UblJJD>l.
Meat croquettes*
Raw material 73,0
Cutlet beef meat 16,0
Fat trimmed pork 2,0
Melange or chicken eggs
Fresh peeled onion 7,0
Semolina 100,0
And that Spices and Materials 2,00
Food salt 0,05
Ground black pepper 22,00
Drinking water, dm
"" Control output of frozen products, 107! /O mass of raw materials.
Diet quenelles*
Raw material Trimmed beef of the highest grade 89,0 2,0
Cow butter 2,0
Melange or chicken eggs 7,0
Semolina 100,0
Total Spices and materials 1,5
Food salt 22,0
Pasteurized cow's milk 9th soft skptmg
"" Control output of frozen products, 108
Kufta in Moscow *
Raw material 55 0
Trimmed beef of the highest grade JJ,U 34.0
Fat trimmed pork 1,0
Melange or chicken eggs 5,0
Fresh peeled onion 5,0
Rice groats 100,0

"Control yield of frozen products, 105% of the mass of raw materials.

Minced meat is produced according to the recipes given in Table. 5.1.

Minced meat recipes

Raw material Beef Pork Home Mutton Special For beef
trimmed beef 100 - 50 - 20
II grade or beef meat
live cutlet
Pork trimmed - 100 50 - 50 _
bold or meat
pork cutlet
Lamb trimmed - __ - 100 - _
single or meat
lamb cutlet
Side fat and cut-off _ __ __ _ _
bacon ki unsalted
Soy protein hydrate _ __ __ - 30

" Grinding of raw materials. Meat raw materials after trimming are crushed on tops of various systems with a diameter of lattice holes of 2-3 muJ

All tops have a fundamentally the same device of the actuator. In the body of the top there is a working chamber for processing the product, which is a fixed hollow cylinder, inside which there are ribs that prevent the product (meat) from turning relative to the screw. The location of the ribs can be helical (spiral) or longitudinal (parallel to the axis of the working cylinder). The direction of the helical ribs is opposite to the direction of the screw turns. The braking effect of the ribs depends on their number, height, shape and distance between them.

To advance the product in the working chamber, feed it to the knives and push it through the knife grates, a rotating auger with a pitch of turns decreasing towards unloading is used.

A feature of the auger is the creation of pressure sufficient to move the meat through the cutting mechanism without squeezing the liquid phase contained in the product. 232

The cutting tool of the top consists of a fixed scoring grid, rotating cross-shaped knives and fixed knife grids with different hole diameters and a clamping nut. The main production parameter of the top is the diameter of the output grating. The most widely used gratings are 160 and 200 mm in diameter.

(/ The degree of grinding meat on the top and its productivity depend on the size of the holes in the outlet grate and the number of cutting planes. With a small degree of grinding (16-25 mm), one cutting plane is sufficient, the top is assembled with one knife and one grate (Fig. 5.1, a, d); with finer grinding (2-3 mm), the number of cutting planes should be increased / Therefore, the cutting mechanism is assembled according to two schemes: (Fig. 5.1, b, c).

1When grinding raw materials for chopped semi-finished products, it is recommended to assemble the cutting set of the top in the following order: receiving knife, double-sided knife, large mesh with outlet holes with a diameter of 15-20 mm, second double-sided knife, mesh with holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

The top consists of a loading bowl, where raw materials enter, a feeder (spirals and a worm), an electric motor, a metal casing, a cutting mechanism and a clamping nut (Fig. 5.2).

The top works as follows: from the loading bowl, the raw material is fed to the cutting mechanism with the help of a spiral and a worm. The feed spiral is rotated by its own motor through a gear train. From the supply spiral, the meat enters the worm, then it is pushed through to the cutting mechanism (grids and knives), fixed with a clamping nut ^ / "At present, meat processing enterprises use tops MP-160 and K6-FVZP-200.

The MP-160 top (Fig. 5.3) consists of a frame on which a feeder is mounted, including a loading bowl and a receiving auger; a feed mechanism consisting of a cylinder with spiral ribs and a working screw; a grinding mechanism containing double-sided four-tooth knives and a set of gratings with a diameter of 1 (50 mm); flywheel nuts and a drive with an electric motor, a cylindrical gearbox, a V-belt transmission and starting electrical equipment.

The quality of meat grinding can be judged by the nature of its outflow from the neck of the top. With good quality minced meat; it comes out of all the holes of the grate and flows in uniform streams, and in bad cases it flows out in zigzag streams and mainly along the edge of the grate. If the top does not work properly, its neck

Rice. 5.2. Top scheme:

"1 - loading bowl; 2 - feed spiral; 3 - Electric motor; 4 - metal casing; 5 - cutting mechanism; 6 - clamping nut; 7 - worm

warms up. In this case, the top must be disassembled and troubleshooted.

(^ The efficiency of the tops depends on the degree of meat supply to the loading necks. It is necessary to ensure a continuous supply of meat and prevent the tops from running idle. Before starting work, check the sanitary condition of the tops, the correct assembly of the cutting mechanism. At the end of the work, turn off the power supply to the tops, disassemble the cutting the mechanism and the meat supply mechanism and washed with hot water.The minced meat is sent for minced meat preparation.

For the manufacture of chopped semi-finished products, it is allowed to use frozen meat blocks without preliminary defrosting with grinding on a block cutter. When grinding meat blocks on a block cutter in the form of chips and to prevent its freezing, the chopped block meat is mixed in mixers with chilled or thawed meat - beef in a ratio of 40 and 60%, pork in a ratio of 50 and 50%. Frozen mixes

and chilled (or thawed) raw materials are crushed on tops with a diameter of lattice holes of 2-3 mm.

After grinding meat blocks in the form of meal on a block cutter with a lattice hole diameter of 20-25 mm or pieces 10 x 3 x 3 mm in size, they are sent directly to a top with a lattice hole diameter of 2-3 mm.

When making a steak, bacon is added to the minced meat in the form of cubes with a side size of not more than 4 mm. Previously, the skin is removed from the lard manually or on special machines^

On the Zvezda-2 machine, the skin is removed and the lard is flattened (Fig. 5.4). The bacon plowing is necessary for the convenience of loading into bacon cutting machines. The machine contains two pulleys with an endless band knife. Between the front and rear tables there is a toothed feed roller, an upper roller with guide parts, a scraper comb for cleaning the feed roller, and a sharpener for cleaning the knife. During operation, the bacon is placed skin-side down on the front table and pushed by hand along the guide pieces onto a toothed feed roller which guides the bacon onto the knife. The cut skin falls down, and the bacon advances to the back table. The improvement of the existing machines for skinning and layering bacon consists in the creation of automated units for feeding, cutting and withdrawing products.

(For preventing overheating of the bacon during subsequent processing on the bacon slicer individual pieces of overheated bacon

Rice. 5.4. Scheme of operation of the Zvezda-2 machine:

a - skinning; 6 - plastovanie bacon; 1,3 - tables; 2 - the top roller with the directing detail; 4 - feed roller; 5 - scraper comb

are easily crushed and deformed by the working bodies of the bacon cutter, which leads to a decrease in the quality of steaks.

After skinning and flattening, the pieces of bacon are cooled to a temperature close to 0 C.

According to the location of the feeder, bacon cutters can be vertical or horizontal with a hydraulic or mechanical drive, and according to the design of the knives - with lamellar or circular knives^

The lard is squeezed out of the feeder by the piston towards the cutting mechanism. The cutting mechanism consists of two mutually perpendicular sets of circular knives and a sickle-shaped cutting knife or two knife frames with flat knives and a sickle-shaped cutting knife (Fig. 5.5). When moving, the knife frames cut the bacon into strips. The sickle-shaped knife then cuts the strips into cubes. The cutting plane of the sickle-shaped knife is perpendicular to the direction of the bacon bar. For good bacon grinding, it is necessary to ensure that the knives are in good condition and well sharpened.

/T1preparation of minced meat. When compiling minced semi-finished products, chopped meat raw materials, protein preparations, vegetable or cereal components, bread, water, salt and all i spices are weighed or dosed using dispensers. Weighed raw materials and spices are loaded into batch mixers or continuous mince preparation units and mixing is carried out for 4-6 minutes for cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels and rump steak, 2-4 minutes for steak, until a homogeneous mass is formed^/ 1

The batch mixer L5-FMB (Fig. 5.6) consists of a frame, a lattice cover, a bowl (reservoir), in which two kneading spirals rotate towards each other, and a drive with an electric motor. The bed is a welded frame, closed on all sides with quick-release facing sheets. The container and the kneading spiral drive cabinet are fixed on the frame. The kneading spirals are driven by V-belts and gears. Tank hatches are designed for unloading minced meat, they are tightly closed with lids. lattice


1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS and RANGE of chopped semi-finished products





1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS and RANGE of chopped semi-finished products

Chopped semi-finished products - portioned products made from minced meat, compiled in accordance with the recipe, the basis of which is chopped (chopped) meat.

Mostly semi-finished products from the meat of slaughter cattle come into trade: chopped steak, cutlets and meatballs.

Chopped semi-finished products are characterized by high nutritional value (Table 1.1), digestibility and taste.

Table 1.1

The main raw material for chopped semi-finished products is cutlet meat, which can be replaced with trimmed meat. As an additional raw material for steaks, bacon is used, for cutlets - raw fat, onions, wheat bread soaked in water, etc. Auxiliary materials for all products are salt (1.2% of the mass of minced meat), black pepper (0.04-0 00%) and water (6.7-20.8%) added to minced cutlets to increase its juiciness. The introduction of sodium caseppate, isolated soy protein, copretzant (high-protein milk concentrate) into minced meat in the amount of 10-20% allows you to replace up to 10% of meat, improve their organoleptic qualities, increase nutritional and biological value, increase water-binding capacity, reduce losses during frying .

In the production of chopped semi-finished products, meat and additional raw materials are crushed on a top, sequentially loaded into a mixer, where salt is added in the form of a solution, pepper, and, if provided for by the recipe, eggs and other raw materials. Minced meat is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. To lower the temperature of the mass while stirring, ice is added to the mixer instead of 20% of the water provided for in the recipe. Minced meat is molded in automatic machines of high productivity. The shape of the products is round, the meatballs are cylindrical (with a diameter of 28 mm and a height of not more than 15 mm). Products are placed on trays, cutlets are breaded with breadcrumbs flour. The meatballs are then frozen to a temperature not exceeding -10°C and packaged in boxes of 350 g.

Chopped beef steak is prepared from beef cutlet meat or trimmed meat of the 2nd grade (80%), unsalted bacon (12%), cut into pieces of 3x3 mm, auxiliary materials. Portion weight - 50, 75 and 100 g.

Moscow cutlets are made from beef meat (50%), wheat bread (14%), raw beef or pork fat (9%), onion, breading flour and auxiliary materials.

Kyiv cutlets are produced, like Moscow cutlets, but from pork, with a fat content of about 30%

Homemade cutlets are made from beef and pork meat, taken in an amount of 30.5% each (recipe No. 1) or 42 and 10%, respectively (recipe No. 2), with the addition of eggs, melange or blood serum (2%) to the minced meat.

Special cutlets are made from the pulp of chicken or turkey legs ((> 2%), wheat bread (14%), water (21.4%), salt (0.5%), breadcrumbs (4%).

Cutlets are produced in portions of 50 and 100 g.

School cutlets, which have a high biological value due to the combination of meat and dairy raw materials and are intended for children of school age, are made from beef and pork cutlet meat, skimmed dry milk, wheat bread, breadcrumbs and auxiliary materials.

Ost and k and n s fried fries are made from beef trimmed meat of the 1st grade (78%), onion (16%), raw beef fat, bacon trimmings or fatty pork.

K y ev s k e f r and k adel k and are prepared from trimmed beef of the 1st grade (38%), bold pork and pork cheeks or trimmings (42%), onions (0%), dry milk and eggs. The average weight of one meatball is 10 g.

Meatballs are intended for cooking both the first (cooked until tender in 1.5-2 liters of water) and second courses (breaded in flour, fried in oil, tomato puree, spices, broth are added and stewed until tender).

For the nutrition of children of preschool and school age, recipes for children's meatballs have been developed - from beef and pork cutlet meat, semolina, whole milk powder, onions and auxiliary materials and Leningrad, the raw material for which is also melange, and boiled rice is used instead of semolina. The mass of one meatball is 7-9 g.

Procurement enterprises Catering produce special cutlets for sale - from chicken or turkey meat (02%), bread (14%), water (22%), salt and breadcrumbs, in portions of 50 and 100 g.

Abroad (USA, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries) produce chopped pressed frozen semi-finished products such as natural portions (steaks, langets, entrecote, etc.). These semi-finished products are prepared from meat with a high content of connective tissue (cutlet meat, meat trimmings, etc.). They are produced from block frozen boneless meat, which is cut into scales, mixed, pressed in the form of bars, the latter are cut into slices, which are packed on vacuum packaging machines and frozen. Semi-finished products retain the structure, water-binding capacity, juiciness and taste of natural meat.


The degree of meat grinding has a great influence on the taste of chopped semi-finished product. With fine grinding, for example, when cutting, the aroma and taste of the semi-finished product will be noticeably worse than those prepared from meat chopped on the shelf. This is due to the strong binding of aromatic and flavoring substances by the finely ground meat structure, and due to the significant binding of water during chewing, less meat juice is released and the taste of the product is felt weaker. In semi-finished products from hand-boned meat, organoleptic properties are more pronounced.

Nevertheless, semi-finished products often enter the trading network, especially dumplings made from finely ground meat. Of course, finely minced meat retains water better, which is what some manufacturers take advantage of by adding water to minced meat to get additional yield without taking into account a noticeable deterioration in taste.

In the manufacture of chopped semi-finished products, the meat is ground on tops. Industrial tops differ little in design from domestic meat grinders, they are simple in execution, in design and reliable in operation. On fig. 2.1 shows diagrams of typical tops with normal and forced supply of raw materials to the cutting mechanism. The top consists of a bed 1, a drive 8, a loading neck 6, a receiving 5 and a working 3 cylinders, a cutting (knife) mechanism 4 and devices for supplying raw materials to it - a worm 2 in tops with a normal supply of raw materials, as well as a worm 2 and auger 7 in tops with forced feed. Meat through the boot

Rice. 2.1. Schemes of tops with the usual (a) and forced supply of raw materials to the working cylinder (b):

/ - bed; 2-screw working (chernyak); 3- working cylinder; 4 - cutting mechanism; .5 - receiving cylinder; 6 - loading neck; 7- feed auger; 8- drive

the neck enters the receiving cylinder, from where it is fed by a worm (or a screw and a worm) into the working cylinder. Under the action of pressure due to a decrease in the pitch of the worm turns, the meat is pushed through the sequentially assembled knives and grates, and exits the top in a crushed form. Inside the working chamber there are ribs that guide the movement of the meat, preventing it from being crushed.

Forced supply of raw materials to the working part of the machine provides a constant loading of the cutting mechanism (at the level of a given productivity) and high specific productivity. The specific energy consumption for grinding is reduced compared to manual or gravity feed. However, the design of the top with forced feeding is more complicated, therefore, its cost increases, so that the forced supply of meat gives a positive effect only with a high productivity of the tops. The longer the working auger (worm), the less meat is forced back into the loading part and the higher the productivity of the top: with a large number of turns, a kind of labyrinth is formed, which reduces the possibility of forcemeat being squeezed from the pressure zone into the loading zone.

The most important part of the top is the cutting mechanism. It can be flat or conical. The most common are tops with a flat cutting mechanism, which is recruited from knives and grates (as for meat grinders). Usually the grate is fixed and the knife rotates. Flat cutting mechanisms are simpler in execution and more convenient to use - it is easier to adjust the degree of pressing of the grates and knives, on which the efficiency of meat chopping depends. Conical cutting mechanisms are more difficult to implement, but they reduce the energy consumption for mincing meat.

Rice. 2.2. Schemes of assembly of the cutting mechanism of the top:

a - for fine grinding; b - for coarse grinding: / - receiving grate; 2- double-sided knife; 3 - large lattice; 4 - small lattice; 5-receiving ring is narrow; 6 - wide receiving ring; 7- clamping nut

The performance of the top and the specific energy consumption can be adjusted by completing the cutting mechanism, which can be assembled from 1-6 cutting planes. With fine and medium grinding of meat, more cutting planes are installed. Typical options for the set and assembly scheme of knives and gratings of the cutting mechanism of the top are shown in fig. 2.2.

With coarse grinding of raw materials, the cutting mechanism is assembled in the following sequence: a one-sided receiving knife is put on the finger of the working auger, then a grate, which is motionlessly fixed in the working cylinder with a key. The knife rotates together with the working speck, the sharpened blades of the knife are adjacent to the grate. Grid and knife surfaces are ground for a tighter fit, which improves cutting conditions.

The cutting mechanism must be assembled so that the grinding is coarser at first, then finer. This ensures less energy consumption, and, accordingly, the ground product heats up less. In a knife mechanism with four cutting planes, a receiving grate, a double-sided knife, a large grate with holes of a larger diameter, for example 16 or 25 mm, a second double-sided knife, a fine grate and a clamping ring are put on the working screw finger. Knives and grills are moderately tightened with a clamping nut.

The performance of the top is determined by the throughput of the cutting mechanism, which, in turn, depends on the diameters of the grid and the holes in it. Lattice diameter is a characteristic by which tops are distinguished (for example, a top with a 120 mm diameter lattice, or a 120 mm top). Grids with diameters of 82, 120, 160, 220 mm are adopted in domestic-produced tops, 100, 130, 160, 200 and 300 mm in foreign ones. Lattices are made with holes with diameters of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25 mm (sometimes 5, 9 and 13 mm).

The performance of the cutting mechanism depends on the number of feathers on the knives. The most common are cruciform knives, i.e. with four feathers. With an increase in the number of feathers on the knife, the productivity of the top increases, if this does not reduce the degree of use of the grate (knife feathers do not cover too much area of ​​the grate).

The performance of the top is regulated by changing the frequency of rotation of the knives. The higher the cutting speed, the lower the cutting force and the better the cut quality, but at the same time, the temperature in the contact zone of the cutting part of the tool with the product increases significantly. In addition, with an increase in the cutting speed, the specific pressure sharply increases on the contact surface of the knife and the grate, which provides more favorable conditions for cutting hard connective tissue.

With improper assembly of the cutting mechanism of the top, uneven surface of the gratings, poor sharpening of knives and gratings, gaps form in the cutting plane. When the top is working, pieces of meat, or rather connective tissue, are hammered into them, which leads to the “scrolling” of the knife without cutting and heating the minced meat due to friction.

Proper operation of the cutting mechanism is ensured when the knives and grids are tightly tightened. To do this, the flywheel nut is tightened with a wrench to failure, and then released by about a third of a turn. The flywheel nut should not be tightened too much, since cutting the meat on the top should not be accompanied by large compressive forces, which can lead to the release of a liquid fraction from the minced meat.

Fatty meat on the top is poorly crushed, frayed, slowly passes, especially if its temperature is high. In this case, it is better to use a cutter.

During the operation of the top, meat and fat serve as a lubricant for the cutting mechanism, auger and cylinder. In this regard, it is not recommended to turn on the top before loading.

A malfunction in the operation of the top is determined by the degree of meat grinding. With the correct assembly of the cutting mechanism and good sharpening of knives and grates, the minced meat fills all the holes in the grate, flows out smoothly, evenly and does not noticeably heat up. In the event of a malfunctioning top, blunt knives and grates, some of the holes remain unfilled, the minced meat jet can be intermittent, zigzag.

The resulting minced meat is sent for the manufacture of semi-finished products or cooling. It would not be superfluous to recall that during grinding, meat is usually significantly inoculated with microorganisms and deteriorates noticeably faster during storage. Therefore, it is impossible to keep minced meat in the semi-finished products workshop - it must immediately be placed in the refrigerator.


Minced meat can be used to form natural chopped semi-finished products, which include products made from one meat, i.e. without the addition of non-meat components, and chopped semi-finished products, the recipe of which includes, in addition to meat, other products - breadcrumbs, bread, vegetables, eggs, vegetable and milk proteins, etc.

Natural semi-finished products from minced meat are produced relatively rarely for technological reasons, in particular, because of the poor cohesion of minced meat and the possible disintegration of the product during cooking, as well as for economic reasons. Other components used in the manufacture of chopped semi-finished products are usually cheaper than meat, and due to this, the cost of the final product and its wholesale price are reduced, or the manufacturer's profit is significantly increased if the price is left unchanged (which, unfortunately, is more common).

To obtain a well-coupled minced meat structure, white bread, potatoes, soy or milk protein, rice are added to the meat. breadcrumbs.

When adding wheat bread soaked in milk or water to minced meat, chopped semi-finished products retain their shape well. During their culinary processing, the bread not only binds the secreted meat juice, but also increases in volume, so that the product turns out to be juicy and lush. However, at the same time, the taste of bread is noticeably manifested in the cooked semi-finished product, which the consumer does not always like, especially if he has not forgotten the taste of “public catering” cutlets.

Potatoes, especially raw ones, also stabilize the structure of minced meat well and, unlike bread, do not interrupt the taste of meat. But due to the rapid darkening of the potato, the semi-finished meat product must be immediately cooked or frozen (the potato does not darken in the frozen state) or sulphated potatoes should be used. Semi-finished products with boiled potatoes do not darken, but their taste is somewhat worse.

Relatively recently, soy and milk proteins began to be used in the production of chopped semi-finished products. Due to the neutral taste, good binding capacity and relatively low cost, their use can only be welcomed, unless, of course, the amount of hydrated protein is excessive (no more than 10-15% of the mass of the semi-finished product).

When breadcrumbs are added, the minced meat structure is noticeably compacted, and it remains after cooking. Therefore, the stuffing stuffing of dumplings, prepared with the addition of breadcrumbs, retains its shape even if the test shell is broken during the cooking of dumplings.

Often used rice does not significantly affect the structure of raw minced meat, but it retains the meat juice released when heated, significantly improving the taste of the finished product. This is especially evident in the manufacture of cabbage rolls: without rice, minced meat will be dry and tough.

Rice. 3.1. Scheme of a meat mixer with spiral blades:

1 - bed; 2 - electric motor; 3-drive; 4 - capacity; 5-kneading spirals; 6 - lattice cover; 7 - covers for unloading minced meat

The minced meat is finally prepared in mixers, where the raw materials are laid according to the recipe. Usually, open intermittent mixers with mechanized unloading or manual overturning of the bowl are used. The main working mechanisms of the mixer are blades, spirals or screws. Meat mixers with spiral augers and product unloading through a special side hatch with a lock are convenient in operation (Fig. 3.1). The mixer consists of a container 4, inside which two kneading spirals 5 rotate counter-rotating. The rotation of the spirals is carried out from the electric motor 2 through the drive 3. The minced meat is unloaded when the kneading spirals rotate through the cover 7.

Raw materials are loaded into the meat mixer in the following sequence: meat, hydrated protein or bread soaked in milk, onions, eggs or melange, spices. Minced meat is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, usually within 4-6 minutes. The prepared minced meat is immediately sent to the molding of the semi-finished product. Even a short exposure of minced meat is undesirable due to a possible increase in bacterial contamination.


From the prepared minced meat, they form: cutlets in the form of an oval-shaped cake 2-2.5 cm thick; meatballs in the form of cakes of a rounded flattened shape 1.5-2 cm thick; schnitzels in the form of flat-oval flat cakes 1-1.5 cm thick; other products, the form of which is specified in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Forming cutlets, even with small production volumes, can be carried out on a machine that is simple in design and, therefore, reliable in operation. The car consists of the case on which the minced meat bunker, the rotating table and the dumping disk are placed. The ejector disc rotates 5.3 times faster than the table. Minced meat is loaded into the bunker. Blades, obliquely placed on a vertical shaft, forcemeat is fed to the bunker channel. Through the channel, the stuffing fills the next of the five nests of the continuously rotating table. The volume of the channel is regulated by a piston. The piston rod ends with a roller sliding along a fixed guide. The volume of minced meat in the nest is regulated by the piston stroke by means of a two-arm lever through a restrictive disk. When the table moves, the piston rod roller slides along the guide, raising the piston to the table surface. In the upper position of the piston, the dosed portion of minced meat is dumped by the disc.

Table pistons consist of a piston with a rod, a glass and a cover. Between the cover and the glass, a spring is put on the piston rod, returning the piston to its original position.


Chopped semi-finished products are packed manually in bags made of polymer film or on trays made of polymer materials. The package usually contains semi-finished products, appearance which are not decisive for the consumer - sets for broth, soup, jelly, etc. to bring the exact weight to almost every package, you need to add small pieces - makeweights. This is both time consuming and degrades the appearance of the product. On electronic scales, the mass of the product is automatically accurately determined and a label is attached to the package (or issued) indicating the mass, price per 1 kg (100 g) and the cost of the semi-finished product.

Chopped semi-finished products packaged in trays retain their shape well, and outwardly such packaging looks modern and attractive. It is better to stack semi-finished products on the tray tightly, one to the other - then the packaging retains its shape well. Trays with semi-finished products are then placed in a plastic film bag or wrapped in a plastic film. Packages and film can be printed in color.

Often, chopped semi-finished products packed in film or trays will be placed in rectangular cardboard boxes, which are more convenient to put in boxes, i.e. shipping containers. Due to the denser packing, they take up less space per unit volume of the refrigerator. In addition, during transportation and loading operations in the distribution network, the packaging film is often damaged, and the buyer refuses to take such goods. In a cardboard box, the polymer packaging is not damaged, but the consumer does not see the product and therefore is more willing to buy semi-finished products in transparent packaging. Although products from well-known manufacturers are better bought if they are packed in cardboard boxes.

As already noted, the packaging of chopped semi-finished products in trays and bags is done manually. Some solutions and techniques allow increasing labor productivity in packaging operations. In particular, with a large volume of production, it is advisable to install a system of conveyors, through which semi-finished products are delivered from the place of cutting and molding to the packaging area. With a large number of semi-finished products of the same name, they can be delivered by a separate conveyor to the place of packaging. In this case, the number conveyor lines equal to the number of assortment items of semi-finished products, not counting the general and connecting conveyors.

A simple option for organizing the packaging of chopped semi-finished products is shown in fig. 12. Poultry carcasses arriving along the conveyor / are dumped onto the distribution conveyor 2, from where they are transferred to the conveyor 3. Workers take the carcasses from it, cut them, lay them on the substrates and transfer them to the conveyor 4. Thanks to the organization of the flow scheme, labor productivity increases markedly.

With small volumes of production of chopped semi-finished products, the flow in the organization of workplaces for cutting, packing and packaging is also essential.

When choosing equipment for packaging semi-finished products, one should proceed from the required productivity and packaging method (under vacuum, thermal packaging, in bags with subsequent sealing by heat sealing or adhesive tape).

It is not recommended to seal packages with metal clips due to the frequent tearing of the film during the application of the clip or during the subsequent transportation of semi-finished products.

For large production volumes, continuous machines are usually chosen, arranged according to the non-contact packaging method (Fig. 5.1). In the machine for packaging semi-finished products in shrink films, the vacuum chamber is replaced by a shrink tunnel. The substrate with semi-finished products is placed on the lower film between the stops of the conveyor, which moves synchronously with the lower film. The distance between the two stops determines the length of the packet. On top of the product is covered with another film. Longitudinal seams are formed continuously with the help of heating elements, to which the films are pressed by PTFE rollers.

Cooling Shrinkage Transverse, longitudinal Infeed of packaging Welding and cutting of packaging material

Rice. 5.1. Scheme of a machine for packaging products in a contactless way

Film broaching is carried out by a transverse welding mechanism consisting of two conveyors: upper and lower. On the top there are silicone rubber pads, on the bottom there are two heating elements, between which there is a knife for cutting bags. Films with embedded product and welded longitudinal seams are clamped between the upper cushions and lower heaters and moved by a transverse welding mechanism. At the same time, the transverse seam of the package is formed by thermal impulse welding. Then the package is cut off by a knife, which is pulled out of the groove while moving along the stationary copier. The modes of welding of the longitudinal seam and thermal pulse welding of the transverse seam can be changed using voltage regulators and electronic time relays. The welding voltage of both types of seam is controlled by a voltmeter.

Packing on machines in a bagless way is characterized by high labor productivity. All operations, from laying the substrates on the conveyor to the release of the packaged product, are performed automatically. On separate machines, automatic weighing, printing of a check and sticking it on the packaging are carried out. The productivity of the machine is from 1000 packages per hour, respectively, and the cost of such equipment is high.

On domestic market it is possible to purchase continuous machines with a bagless packaging method only of foreign production. Batch equipment with a capacity of up to 300 packages per hour with non-packaged and packaged packaging methods of domestic and foreign production can be freely purchased. For semi-finished products, for example, lines with thermal tunnels for block packaging in shrink film, packaging semi-automatic machines and thermal tunnels, vacuum packaging machines can be used.

Of course, for the operation of packaging semi-finished products under vacuum or in shrink film, even in a small production, significant investments are required. It is possible to produce semi-finished products on substrates with sealing in bags of film by heat sealing or adhesive tape (this, by the way, is done in most small enterprises) and do without investment. However, in today's market, the appearance of the packaging is of great importance, and this should not be neglected. The cost of more advanced packaging is well justified, although such packaging requires a special shrink or self-adhesive shrink film. Small enterprises successfully use machines for wrapping products in shrink film on a heated plane (the so-called "hot table").

Of the vacuum packaging machines, two-chamber ones are more often used: while vacuuming is taking place in one chamber, the other is being prepared for work.


1. Gushchin V.V., Technology of semi-finished products from meat, Moscow, 2002

2. Gabrielyans N.A., Kozlov A.P., Commodity research of meat and fish products, Moscow 1986

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Production technology of chopped semi-finished products


1.2 Supporting materials

2. Technology and scheme for the production of chopped semi-finished products

4.2 Sampling rules


Bibliographic list


Meat products are one of the most important elements of the human diet. They contain high-grade easily digestible proteins and animal fats, biologically active substances, microelements and vitamins. The meat industry has a huge potential and as the most promising and attractive in the coming years will take a dominant place in the structure of the Russian food industry.

The meat business has come a long way in its development: from primitive slaughterhouses and meat processing workshops to modern enterprises corresponding to the European level.

Russia's progress along the path of a market economy stimulates the process of integration into the European and world communities, requires manufacturers to manufacture high-quality and competitive products. The market dictates strict conditions for the quality of goods, and only by mastering modern technologies can an enterprise achieve the required level of production. Product quality is becoming a priority for the development of the meat industry.

An important role is given to providing the industry with highly qualified meat specialists. A modern meat specialist needs to possess a complex of knowledge in the field of physical, chemical and biological sciences, engineering, technology, and economics. The basis of the theoretical training of such specialists is the knowledge of the leading discipline "Technology of meat and meat products".

Recently, significant changes have taken place in the industry that have influenced the development of technological science and the practice of producing meat and meat products. Time-tested production processes are increasingly subject to revision in order to improve these processes, shorten the production cycle and at the same time improve the quality of meat products.

1. Characteristics of raw materials for the production of chopped semi-finished products

Chopped semi-finished products - portioned products made from minced meat, compiled in accordance with the recipe, the basis of which is chopped (chopped) meat. On a par with raw meat in their production, melange, egg powder, wheat bread, soy and milk protein preparations, blood plasma, onions and vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots), as well as rusk flour and spices are used.

1.1 Main raw material of chopped semi-finished products

The main raw material for chopped semi-finished products is cutlet meat, which can be replaced with trimmed meat. Raw meat after trimming is crushed on a top with a lattice diameter of 2-3 mm. When making a steak, minced lard is added to the minced meat in the form of cubes of no more than 4 mm.

1.2 Supporting materials

Auxiliary materials for all products are salt (1.2% by weight of minced meat), black pepper (0.04-0.08%) and water (6.7-20.8%) added to minced cutlets to increase its juiciness. The introduction of minced semi-finished products of sodium casemate, isolated soy protein, high-protein milk concentrate in the amount of 10-20% allows replacing up to 10% of meat, improving their organoleptic qualities, increasing nutritional and biological value, increasing water-binding capacity, and reducing losses during frying. When preparing auxiliary raw materials, onions and vegetables are washed and chopped. The bread is soaked and crushed too. Melange is thawed in advance in baths with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 45 ° C.

2 Technology and scheme for the production of chopped semi-finished products

Meat chopped semi-finished products include: cutlets, meatballs, hamburgers, lazy cabbage rolls, hedgehogs, meatballs; nuggets. They are prepared from a mixture of various types of meat and poultry with the addition of fat, protein preparations, salt onions, spices and other ingredients.

1. Preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products for production: grinding, meat, onions, spices

2. Cooking minced meat

3. Shaping

4. Heat treatment products: cooling.

6. Packaging, quality control, sales

Scheme No. 1. Production of chopped semi-finished products

3. Equipment for the production of chopped semi-finished products

Equipment for the production of chopped semi-finished products:

1. Equipment for the preparation of minced meat;

2. Crusher of frozen blocks;

3. Top;

4. Meat mixer;

5. Meat and bone separator;

6. Cutter;

7. Ice maker;

8. Machine for cutting bacon;

Equipment for forming and freezing chopped semi-finished products:

1. Machine for molding semi-finished products;

2. Breading machine;

3. Laying machine;

4. Chamber of shock freezing;

5. Spiral quick freezer;

6. Packing machine;

7. Low temperature cold storage;

3.1 Equipment for raw materials

Electro - meat grinder (top);

Meat mixer;

Industrial table;

Flake ice maker;

3.2 Equipment for grinding raw materials and compiling minced meat

Drawing No. 1 Meat grinder la Minerva 32-98 C/E660 F

3.3 Forming and freezing equipment

Picture No. 2 Molding machine la Minerva MPM 500

4. Quality control of chopped semi-finished products

The assessment of the quality of semi-finished products begins with an external examination of the container (boxes, containers, trays, functional containers). The container must be whole, closed with lids. Then the number of packaging units is counted and weighed to determine the gross weight of semi-finished products. To assess the quality of semi-finished products, a recess is made, opening a certain number of transport packaging units. A certain amount of semi-finished products specified in the current regulatory and technical documentation (GOST, PCT, etc.) is taken from the opened packaging units for compiling an average sample.

The selected semi-finished products are evaluated by organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, and the mass is determined.

4.1 Requirements for finished products

The quality of semi-finished products is evaluated by appearance, texture, taste, smell. Measuring methods determine the moisture content, bread and salt.

The freshness of semi-finished products is determined in the same way as the freshness of meat. The surface of the semi-finished products must be undamaged, the shape must be undeformed and correspond to the name of the product. The presence of coarse connective tissue, tendons, films and cartilage is unacceptable. In chops, the length of the bone should not exceed 8 cm. In stew, the bone content is not more than 20%, fat is not more than 15%; in homemade stew bones - no more than 10%, fat - no more than 15%. Meat for barbecue, pilaf should contain no more than 15% fat, up to 50% bones are allowed in the soup set. Pork bacon with a thickness of more than 1 cm is not allowed on escalopes. Breaded products must be flat, with correctly cut edges and covered with an even, thin layer of crushed breadcrumbs. Unmixed bread and fat, as well as finely crushed bones, are not allowed in semi-finished products. Frozen dumplings should have the correct shape in the form of a semicircle, tightly closed edges without minced protrusions. Sticky lumps of dough, broken parts and dough content of more than 50% of the mass of dumplings are not allowed. The smell of natural semi-finished products should be characteristic of benign meat of the corresponding type. The taste and smell of chopped semi-finished products after culinary processing are pleasant, moderately salty, with a taste of onion and pepper, the texture is not crumbly and juicy; flavors of bread and spoiled fat are not allowed. The consistency of semi-finished products should be elastic, and the finished products should be soft, juicy, necroshly; breaded products should have a crispy crust. The consistency of frozen products is firm; dumplings should make a characteristic sound when shaken. After cooking, the consistency of minced meat should be elastic, dense, and the surface of the dumplings should not be sticky. The moisture content in chopped semi-finished products is allowed 65 - 68%, bread - 18 - 20 (depending on the name) and salt - 1.2-1.5%. The deviation of the mass of individual portions of natural and breaded semi-finished products should not exceed ± 3%, chopped - + 5%; weight deviation is not allowed 10 pcs. The deviation of the mass of individual boxes of dumplings is allowed ± 7 g, the deviation of the net weight of 10 boxes is not allowed.

4.2 Sampling rules

The study of the quality control of semi-finished meat products is carried out by organoleptic and physico-chemical methods.

Quality assessment in the laboratory begins with the selection of an average sample. Next, organoleptic indicators are evaluated - appearance, color, consistency of semi-finished products. the degree of grinding, the uniformity of mixing minced meat is determined by cutting 2 pcs. semi-finished product along.

In preparation for the physical and chemical study, 4 or 6 semi-finished products are cut lengthwise, after which 4 (or 6) halves are carefully ground in a mortar to a homogeneous consistency and placed in dry bottles with tightly closed lids. Samples are taken from the prepared sample to determine the mass fraction of moisture, salt, and total acidity.

4.3 Types and rules of quality control of chopped semi-finished products

Determination of the mass fraction of moisture and solids

Drying in an oven. The method is based on the release of hygroscopic moisture from the object under study at a certain temperature. Drying is carried out to constant weight or accelerated methods at elevated temperature for a specified time.

Samples are dried with calcined sand, which gives the sample porosity, increases the evaporation surface, and prevents the formation of a crust that makes it difficult to remove moisture.

Very wet samples are dried in a water or sand bath. For drying use porcelain cups, glass or aluminum weighing bottles, previously dried and weighed.


The production of semi-finished meat products is currently a large specialized industry that has a promising development program, both in our country and abroad.

The growth in the number of meat processing enterprises, the increase in the consumption of meat and meat products puts the quality of products in the forefront.

The centralized production of semi-finished products at modern enterprises in the form of portions in hygienic packaging leads to a reduction in the cost of portioned dishes, and also increases labor productivity and service culture at retail and public catering enterprises, promotes the development of progressive methods for the sale of meat products and facilitates the technology of cooking poultry at home.

When determining the quality, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that meat and meat products are, first of all, food products. Therefore, the first and most important sign of quality is their compliance with this purpose. In the second place it is necessary to put a set of factors that determine their nutritional value, and in the third place - a set of factors associated with giving them certain commercial features in the production process.

Bibliographic list

1. Gushchin V.V., Technology of semi-finished products from meat, Moscow: Kolos 2002

2. Vinnikova L.G. Technology of meat and meat products, Kyiv: Inkos, 2006

3. Gabrielyans N.A., Kozlov A.P., Commodity research of meat and fish products, Moscow 1986

4. Rogov I.A., Zabashta A.G., Kazyulin G.P. General technology of meat and meat products, Moscow: Kolos, 2007

5. Antipova L.V., Glotova I.A., Rogov I.A. Methods for the study of meat and meat products, Moscow: Kolos, 2004

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Chopped semi-finished products include:

  • cutlets - homemade, Moscow, Kiev, peasant, Krasnodar, meat and cabbage, meat and potato in Belarusian, meat and vegetable, Yakut, Transbaikal, Buryat, spicy;
  • meatballs - low-calorie children's;
  • schnitzel - Moscow, special;
  • beefsteak - urban, beef, youth;
  • rump steak;
  • minced meat - beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special, offal, for steaks;
  • meatballs - Kyiv, Ostankino, meat and vegetable, Leningrad, children's;
  • meat croquettes;
  • dietary dumplings;
  • kyufta in Moscow.

Chopped semi-finished products are produced in chilled and frozen form. Chopped semi-finished products are made from beef, pork, lamb and offal. For the manufacture of all types of chopped semi-finished products, meat is used in a cooled, chilled and thawed state, which in terms of quality must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation. Depending on the type of chopped semi-finished products, cutlet meat (beef, pork, lamb), trimmed beef of I and II grades, semi-fat, fatty, single-grade pork, raw beef and pork fat, sausage unsalted bacon are used. Of the by-products, trimmed meat of beef and pork heads, light pork and beef, trimmed meat trimmings are used. In addition to meat and animal fats, soy and milk protein preparations, blood plasma, wheat bread, chicken eggs and melange, rice and semolina, rusk flour, onions and vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots), as well as milk, butter, drinking water and spices.

The technological process for the production of chopped semi-finished products and minced meat is shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Each type of chopped semi-finished products must meet the relevant organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. For cutlets, rump steak, and meatballs, a rounded flattened shape is characteristic, for schnitzels - oblong, for minced meat and steaks - rectangular (in the form of briquettes), for meatballs - spherical or elongated-spherical.

On the cut, chopped semi-finished products should look like well-mixed minced meat.

Quality requirements for chilled chopped semi-finished products

All types of chopped semi-finished products produced chilled, except for natural minced meat, must have an even, well-shaped surface without cracks and breaks, with even edges and the same layer of breading flour over the entire surface of the semi-finished product. The consistency should be homogeneous, sufficiently viscous, without coarse inclusions (tendons, small bones, cartilage, poorly soaked and insufficiently crushed pieces of bread). From above and on the break, semi-finished products should have a characteristic smell of fresh meat raw materials. Deviations in the mass of the 1st semi-finished product ± 5% are allowed. The mass of 10 pieces should not have deviations to the smaller side. The temperature inside the semi-finished product when shipped from the enterprise should be no higher than +6 °C.

Equipment for the production of chopped semi-finished products

The device and operation of the top

All tops have a fundamentally the same device of the actuator. In the body of the top there is a working chamber for processing the product, which is a fixed hollow cylinder, inside which there are ribs that prevent the product (meat) from turning relative to the screw. The location of the ribs can be helical or longitudinal (parallel to the axis of the working cylinder). The direction of the helical ribs is opposite to the direction of the screw turns.

To advance the product in the working chamber, feed it to the knives and push it through the knife grates, a rotating auger with a pitch of turns decreasing towards unloading is used.

A feature of the auger is the creation of pressure sufficient to move the meat through the cutting mechanism without squeezing the liquid phase contained in the product.

The cutting tool of the top consists of a fixed scoring grid, rotating cross-shaped knives and fixed knife grids with different hole diameters and
clamping nut. The most widespread gratings with a diameter of 200 and 160 mm.

The degree of meat grinding depends on the size of the outlet grate openings. With a small degree of grinding (16-25 mm), one cutting plane is sufficient, the top is assembled with one knife and one grate; with thinner (2-3 mm) the number of cutting planes should be increased.

The top consists (Figure 1) of the working chamber (1); ribs (3) located on the inner surface of the working chamber; feeding device - auger (2); a cutting tool consisting of a scoring grid (4), knife grids (5, b), clamping nut (7); loading bowl, electric motor, bed.

The top works as follows: from the loading bowl, the raw material is fed using a screw (or a system of screws) to the cutting mechanism (grid and knife), fixed with a clamping nut. The auger rotates from its own motor through a gear train. During the rotation of the auger, the pressure is created in the chamber, which is necessary to push the meat through the cutting mechanism.

The quality of meat grinding can be judged by the nature of its outflow from the neck of the top. With good grinding quality, the minced meat comes out of all the holes in the grate and flows in even streams. And when it's bad, it flows out in zigzag streams and mainly along the edge of the grate. If the top does not work properly, its neck heats up. In this case, the top must be disassembled and troubleshooted: sharpen the knives, assemble the cutting mechanism correctly, monitor the continuous supply of meat and prevent the top from running idle.

The device and operation of the cutter

Cutters are meat mincers with fast-rotating sickle-shaped knives.

They are used for medium and fine grinding of meat. Cutters are of periodic and continuous action. They differ in the ways of loading and unloading raw materials (manual or mechanical), the location of the knife shaft, the number of speeds of the knife shaft, the presence or absence of programming devices, a hermetic bowl lid and a vacuum system. In the cutter, not only the grinding of raw materials takes place, but also its mixing. The cutter (picture 2) consists of:

  • Beds (1);
  • Bowl mounted on a vertical shaft (2);
  • Knife horizontal shaft (3);
  • Cutting tool (4);
  • V-belt transmission (5);
  • Unloading disk (6);
  • Electric motor.

The cutting mechanism of the cutter consists of sickle-shaped knives rotating on a shaft, a steel comb that cleans the blade of the knives from meat. The sickle-shaped knives are installed in such a way that there is a minimum gap between the blade of the knives and the bowl of the cutter. The number of sickle-shaped knives depends on the size (capacity) of the bowl, usually 6 sickle-shaped knives are installed, but they can be from 3 to 12. They are mounted in bulk with an open or closed nest.

The raw material is fed into the bowl, which rotates slowly. The inner surface of the bowl has the shape of a semicircle. The bowl rotation shaft is located vertically, and the knife shaft is horizontal. The sickle-shaped knives, during rotation, pass against the surface of the bowl and, after each revolution, cut the incoming raw material. Knives are capped and crescent shaped to provide high cutting speed while sliding along the surface of the bowl. Ready chopped minced meat is unloaded from the bowl using the unloader mechanism, the working body of which is a plate (disk): when the latter rotates, the minced meat is ejected from the bowl.

The main technical indicator of the cutter is the capacity of the bowl in liters. Cutters are available with a capacity of 120, 200 and 300 liters.

Cutting technology

Cupping should provide not only the proper degree of meat mincing, but also the binding of such an amount of added water or ice that is necessary to obtain a high-quality product at a standard moisture content.

The duration of cuttering significantly affects the quality of minced meat. During the processing of meat on a cutter, mechanical destruction of tissues occurs during the first 2-3 minutes, the surface of meat pieces increases significantly, after which swelling and binding of water added to the cutter begins and a new viscous-plastic structure is formed.

The total duration of cutting is 8-12 minutes. It depends on design features cutters, the shape of the knives, the speed of their rotation. For the optimal duration of cuttering, the duration of the process is taken, in which all indicators of minced meat and finished products reach highest values. These indicators include stickiness, water-binding ability of minced meat, consistency and yield of finished products. With excessive cuttering, the minced meat overheats. In order to prevent overheating of minced meat in the cutter, cold water or ice is added at the beginning of cuttering in such a way as to keep the minced meat temperature at the level of 12-15 °C. With an increase in the content of adipose tissue, the amount of water and ice decreases.

When processing different types of raw materials on a cutter, beef or lean pork is loaded first, and then semi-fat and fatty pork.

Water is added when processing beef and lean pork. An excess amount of moisture, as well as overcutting, leads to the formation of broth-fat edema in the process.
heat treatment.

The device and operation of the meat mixer

The L5-FMB batch mixer (Figure 3) consists of a frame (1), an electric motor (2) with a drive (3), a bowl (reservoir) (4), in which two kneading spirals (5) rotate towards each other, a lattice cover (6), and unloading hatches (7). The bed is a welded frame, closed on all sides with quick-release facing sheets. The kneading spirals are driven by V-belts and gears. Tank hatches are designed for unloading minced meat, they are tightly closed with lids. The lattice cover is interlocked with the electric motor, which ensures that the kneading spirals are turned off. The lid in the raised state can be fixed using a special device.

The crushed meat raw materials and other components are loaded into 2/3 of the volume of the container with the lid open. Mixing is carried out until all components are evenly distributed, the finished minced meat is unloaded using kneading spirals with open unloading hatches.

Cutlet production

Raw material preparation

Meat, bacon, raw fat, onion, garlic are crushed on a top with a grate opening diameter of 2-3 mm. For peasant cutlets, meat raw materials are preliminarily ground on a top with a lattice hole diameter of 12-16 mm. For chopped Moscow schnitzel, fatty pork is crushed on a top with a lattice diameter of 9-12 mm. The lard is crushed on a lard cutter, cutter or manually, before cutting it is frozen to -2 ° C.

Fresh onions are crushed on a top with a lattice diameter of 2-3 mm. If dried onion is used, it is pre-soaked for 2 hours in water at a temperature of 15-17 °C.

The bread is cut into pieces, soaked in water and crushed on a top with a grate opening diameter of 2-3 mm. You can grind bread without pre-soaking. At the same time, water is supplied to the neck of the top simultaneously with pieces of bread, the amount of which must be taken into account when compiling minced meat.

Melange is pre-thawed in baths with water at a water temperature not higher than 45 ° C. Thawed melange is not subject to storage. Egg powder is mixed with water in a ratio of 274 g of egg powder and 726 g of water.

Bread flour is sifted and passed through magnetic traps. Salt is used in dry form with preliminary screening.

In order to improve the quality of the semi-finished product and ensure the output in fried form, it is recommended to use pork cutlet meat with a fat content of up to 30%. For homemade cutlets and chopped steaks, beef cutlet meat should be selected with a fat and connective tissue content of not more than 15%.

Minced meat preparation

For its preparation, batch mixers or continuous mince preparation units are used. Raw materials are sequentially loaded into the mixer according to the recipe. Mixing is carried out for 6-8 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed. To lower the mince temperature during mixing, it is recommended to add flake ice, instead of 20% of the consumed water, the mince temperature should not exceed 8-12 °C.

Forming cutlets

Cooked minced meat is molded on automatic machines AK2M-40, flow-mechanized lines K6-FLK-200, V2-FPA.

The device and principle of operation of the cutlet machine AK2M-40

Cutlet machine AK2M-40 is designed for dosing and molding cutlets.

The cutlet machine (figure 4) consists of a body (1), a loading hopper (2) with a bladed screw (11), a molding table (3) with sockets (4), a disk (5) with a scraper (14), a mass regulator (13 ), electric motor (9).

Figure 4 - Cutlet machine AK2M-40

Cooked minced meat is loaded into the bunker, from where the minced meat is fed by a bladed screw to the hole located at the bottom of the minced bunker. Under the hopper, a working table with nests rotates, and out of five forming nests, only one is fed to the hopper opening. At this point, the piston in the seat drops to the bottom position. With a paddle screw, the minced meat is squeezed into the nest of the table and fills its entire volume due to the pressure created by the rotating blades of the screw in the bunker. With further rotation of the table with nests, the rod, sliding along the copier, moves the piston upwards, while pushing the molded cutlets from the table surface, from where they are thrown onto a disk under the action of centrifugal force, from which they are manually placed in trays.

The mass of cutlets made on the machine can be adjusted by changing the position of the copier in height - this changes the volume of the cylinder filled with minced meat.

Cooling of semi-finished products

Cutlets intended for sale in a chilled form, after molding and placing on trays-liners, are sent to the cooling chamber.

Cooling is carried out at a temperature of 0 to 4 °C until the temperature inside the semi-finished product reaches no higher than 4 ± 4 °C.

Packaging, labeling and storage of cutlets

Chopped chilled semi-finished products placed in trays are packed in reusable wooden, metal or polymer boxes. Boxes are closed with lids or liners. It is recommended to stack no more than four trays in one box.

The weight of one box should not exceed 20 kg. It is allowed to release chilled chopped semi-finished products wrapped in 5-10 pieces in parchment, sub-parchment, plastic film bags, which are then heat-sealed, clamped with aluminum staples or sealed with adhesive tape.

A semi-finished product of one name and one mass is placed in each box. A label is placed in the box indicating the name of the manufacturer, its subordination, the name of the semi-finished product, the number plate of the packer, the quantity of the product, the mass, price, number of pieces, as well as the date and time of the end of the technological process, shelf life and sale.

The shelf life and sale of chilled chopped semi-finished products at a temperature of 0 ° C to 6 ° C from the end of the technological process is not more than 12 hours, including
at the factory - no more than 6 hours.

Production of semi-finished minced meat natural

Natural minced meat is made from chilled beef, pork and lamb of I and II fatness categories. When trimming for the manufacture of natural minced meat, all cartilage, tendons, connective tissue must be removed, and when trimming pork, excess fat is also removed, leaving no more than 3 (> -50%. Trimmed beef, pork, lamb are crushed on a top with a diameter of holes in the output grid 2- 3 mm without adding water.

The minced meat is packaged in parchment, subparchment, cellophane and other transparent films, in portions weighing 250 and 500 g. Natural minced meat is prepared from one beef, pork or lamb or a mixture of beef and pork in various proportions. Packed manually or on special machines for packaging and packaging of minced meat.

The device and principle of operation of the automatic machine AP1M

Designed for filling and packaging minced meat in parchment or foil in the form of briquettes of 250 g. bunker.

The machine (figure 5) works as follows: the packaging material from the roll (1) enters the guide roller (3), then the adjustable sectors (4) guide the packaging material between the knives (5), which cut the reaming of a certain length. The levers (6) feed the reamer onto the forming die (5) under the punch (7). The presence of a scan on the matrix is ​​controlled by a probe (9) and in case of its absence, the machine automatically stops. The punch pushes the reamer through the die, giving it the shape of a box, which is inserted into the socket of the carousel table (12). The dispenser (10) of the hopper with a screw feeder (11) fills the box with a certain portion of minced meat, and the package valve closing mechanism (13) wraps the package. The pre-pressing mechanism (14) gives the bag its final shape. The bag is automatically removed from the forming table slot and the forming table bag remover (17) feeds the bag to the package tipper (16) which turns the bag closed side down. In this form, the package enters the conveyor (15), from where it is removed manually and placed in a container.

Production of chopped frozen semi-finished products

For the manufacture of chopped frozen semi-finished products, trimmed meat from beef, pork, offal and fatty raw materials of all types of livestock is used in a cooled, chilled and thawed state; milk and dairy products, eggs and egg products; onions, garlic, cereals, salt, spices and other auxiliary materials. It is allowed to use egg powder instead of 1 kg of melange or 24 chicken eggs; dried onion at the rate of 225 g instead of 1 kg of fresh; whole milk powder at the rate of 1 kg instead of 8 liters of pasteurized whole milk.

It is not allowed to use meat and products frozen more than once, pork with signs of yellowing of the fat, meat of bulls and boars, meat with signs of putrefactive decomposition.

Raw materials are selected according to the recipe and prepared in accordance with the requirements of technological instructions.

Minced meat is prepared on the equipment of continuous or periodic action. First, beef is loaded into the mixer, then cold water is added in an amount of 18-20% to the mass of raw meat, milk, salt, onions, spices, rice or semolina, and 2-3 minutes before the end of mixing, add pork or bacon. The crushed raw materials with all components are mixed for 4-5 minutes until a uniformly mixed mass is formed.

Cooked minced meat is molded on molding machines.

Meatballs are molded in the form of checkers (cylindrical shape) with a diameter of 20 mm and a height of 20 mm, the weight of one meatball is 7-9 g.

Meat croquettes, dietary quenelles, Moscow-style kufta are formed in the form of checkers with a diameter of 36 mm and a height of 30 mm, each weighing 30 g.

Forming meatballs on the FFP machine

The FFP machine is designed for dosing and molding meatballs.

It consists of a frame, an electric motor (1) with a gear (2), a minced meat hopper (7) with an auger (5) located in it, a forming drum with sockets (4) and a socket (3) located above it, an eccentric-vane pump (9), designed to force minced meat into the socket, a belt conveyor for feeding trays, a vibrating knife (6) for separating meatballs from the drum (Figure 6).

Minced meat from the hopper is fed by a screw to an eccentric-vane pump, which pumps it into the socket, which fits snugly against the cylindrical surface of the drum in its upper part, and fills the nests. When the drum is rotated 180°, the pistons push the meatballs out of their nests onto a tray in which they are transferred to the freezer.

In chambers, meatballs are frozen at an air temperature not higher than -18 ° C, in quick freezers - at a temperature of -30 ° C ... - 35 ° C until the temperature inside the semi-finished product reaches no higher than -10 ° C.

Ready frozen semi-finished products should not be sticky, deformed. The taste of the finished product is characteristic of this type of product with a pronounced aroma of spices and spices. The mince is juicy. Foreign smells and tastes are not allowed. Frozen semi-finished products are packaged in cardboard boxes weighing 350, 500 1000 g. They are stored at a temperature not exceeding -10 ° C for no more than 1 month.