Success stories

When to quit. To quit or not - how to make a decision? How to decide to quit your job

One of my, now former colleagues, was very fond of repeating the popular wisdom: “It’s better to regret what you did than what you didn’t do.”

True, in her case, this position did not work to her advantage. Olga is a high-class specialist, but at the same time she is a rather hot-tempered person and sometimes too impulsive. One day we witnessed a scandal between Olga and our manager’s secretary.

There was such a loud scream in the corridor that the whole office came running to watch the two girls sort things out.

Soon our boss left the office. Olga impulsively proved that she was right and I must note that in essence she was right.
But suddenly, she made a serious mistake. Deciding to take an inaccurate manipulative step, she shouted: “Valery Sergeevich, either me or this idiot!” I will not work with this whore in the same team!

To which our boss calmly said: “Quit.” The hum stopped and everyone fell silent. Olga, continuing: “Oh, so!?” I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down a statement of my own free will. The manager signed the statement as soon as it arrived on his desk.

When we asked the boss why he didn’t stop Olya, she was right, and she is a highly qualified specialist. He replied: “I don’t like it when people start threatening me.”

Of course, Olga did not want to quit, and then she very much regretted what she had done. Due to an impulsive attack, she lost a good, well-paid job, which she loved and into which she had invested a lot of effort.

Therefore, the conclusion from this story is the following: dismissal should be well thought out and the decision should not be made at the moment of momentary impulses.

And now, I will list other situations in which you should not quit.

1. “I’m sick and tired of everything!”
Such depressing moods visit every head without exception, but this does not mean at all that one should resort to such a decisive step and quit.

Most likely, the best way out of the situation is a vacation, during which you need to have a good “break away” and get distracted.

I am sure that after your vacation, you will have a lot of brilliant ideas and fresh thoughts about work and how to achieve new success in your career.

2. “My husband earns a lot, now I don’t need to hunch my shoulders”
Firstly, the husband’s situation may well change. Today he is on a horse, tomorrow he may be thrown off his horse, alas, and this often happens. If both spouses work, the family has a more stable economic situation.

Independence and success suit all women without exception. Being a “convenient” dependent is a position that automatically deprives you of the opportunity to have your own opinion, time and the ability to make decisions. As they say, he who pays for everything calls the tune.

Secondly, any relationship can fall apart - and in this case, you will have to quickly look for a job to ensure your existence.
As they say, hope for the best, but be prepared for any scenario in the situation.

3. “It’s difficult for me in this team, they are all kind of quarrelsome”
The ability to communicate with people is an important skill that is necessary in any team. Even if there are people in the team who are clearly opposed to you, learn to resolve these situations constructively.

A “convenient” team will not be created anywhere especially for you; the only option is to open your own company, where you yourself will select “suitable” employees.

It's not smart to leave a good job just because you can't overcome your shortcomings.

Yes, yes - in any conflict situations you need to start with yourself. By the way, there is an excellent article on this topic (on the topic of conflicts in a team), read about how to get out of difficult situations in your team. I am sure you will cope with this task.

4. “I have just a terrible boss - a tyrant”
Unfortunately, the bosses, like parents, don’t choose (we smile).
And if the only thing is that, in your opinion, he is not a professional, stupid or something else, but otherwise the work suits you, then I advise you to learn to look at your manager only as a leader and not to mix in unnecessary emotions and feelings. Maintain subordination and fulfill your “mission”.

5. “I want to devote time to my family”
Life is a short thing and if you divide it into temporary stages, here I devote time to my husband, here to work, here to children - then, I’m afraid, one life is not enough for you.
Learn to combine business with pleasure, otherwise you can miss many opportunities and remain unfulfilled only because at one time you had illusions about the correct distribution of time.

6. “Today I was offered a good place, I’ll probably accept it.”
I will say again and again - no rash steps.
Before you go where you are promised Better conditions labor, make sure that there are no hidden pitfalls that “recruiters” are silent about in the pursuit of new personnel.
Find out everything about the new place and make a decision only with all the necessary information.

7. “I decided to look for a better place, I’m tired of it - there’s no development!”
I'll be brief here. First find - then go.

There was one case in my story when a girl, having quit her job that she was tired of, could not find a permanent job for 8 years. And this turned out to be a great tragedy for her.

Therefore, going nowhere is obviously a losing option “At random”.

Of course, all cases are individual. But you need to clearly understand what the organization in which you currently work gives you, and how priority requests your work satisfies.

Only in the case when the most (most) important aspect for which it is worth working in a particular place is missing, does it make sense to look for a new place. And if you decide to quit, do it right!

The main thing is to understand and separate the main from the secondary.

If you don't like what you see in the mirror, then it's time to leave.

We all have bad days at the office. Maybe even a whole week or two.

But, if you can’t remember the last good day at work, then it’s quite possible that it’s time for you to think about quitting.

Of course, you'll want something more as a sign, so we've put together a list of signals that indicate you should change your job.

If you have noticed several of these problems in the last months of your work, then this is a serious reason to think about packing up your things.

Are you constantly bored

“If you're not feeling challenged in your role and have tried to communicate with your boss about it to no avail, this may be a sign that it's time for you to leave,” says Lynn Taylor, national workplace expert, leadership coach and author of the book "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant."

While boredom is a very common feeling, researchers believe that prolonged feelings of boredom while working are a warning sign that you're not doing what you want to do and are searching for more meaning.

If you spend most of your workday shopping online or playing games, or if you frequently check your time at work, these are key indicators, Taylor says.

You're not using your skills

We all know that sometimes you have to take whatever you can, hold on to it, and hope that your boss sees that you are capable of greater responsibility.

But if this goes on for a long time and you're still stuck in the same place, leaving you unable to use your own skills, then it's time to look for other opportunities, Taylor says.

“If you are confident that you have something more to offer the world, don’t look for any pitfalls - rather prepare for change,” she says.

Your work goals and your personal goals are not the same

People don't stay in their jobs longer than they can, they write. former director GE Jack Welch and writer Susie Welch on their LinkedIn post. Today people are trying to understand whether they are investing their own time in a good or bad company.

As Business Insider previously reported, the Welches recommend asking yourself whether your company "makes a mockery of your life goals and values." “Does it require you to travel more than you want to, given your work-life balance? Does it offer enough potential given your ambitions?” they say.

The answers to these questions can signal whether it's time for you to leave.

You constantly feel physically, emotionally and psychologically exhausted

Work can be draining for everyone, we all feel tired from time to time after a long day at the office, but if your entire life becomes a chronic state of stress and exhaustion due to work, then you are most likely suffering from work burnout.

“Stress, fear, and a lack of enthusiasm can sap your energy and harm your performance, creating a losing-lose environment,” says Taylor.

You feel like you can't win at all

In a post on LinkedIn, Robert O'Keane, a global search consultant at Charles Francis Cooper, warns of the dangers of ignoring the feeling that you can't win at your job.

“Your work should make you feel excited and challenged—like you're trying to succeed at something, not like you're in a battle that can't be won and can't get anywhere,” he writes.

No matter what you do, it's never enough

Even if you're the first to arrive at work, the last to leave, stay in constant contact with co-workers via email, and your work schedule exceeds the schedules of your co-workers combined, sometimes you may find yourself with a boss who, believe it or not, still expects something from you. something more.

If your boss is ruthlessly demanding more, no matter what exactly, then chances are there is no end in sight to this madness, which means it’s time for you to go somewhere where you will be valued for what you do, and at the same time acquire some personal frames.

You always watch what you say

Sally Krawcheck, director and co-founder of Ellevest, admitted on LinkedIn that she has stayed in jobs several times that she should have left. One of the signs that she needed to quit, but she ignored such thoughts, was that she watched every word she said.

“How will that sound? How will they take it? This statement was not too distant from other points of view at the table,” she admittedly asked similar questions.

“I've worked in companies where the philosophy is 'no idea is worse than a bad idea' and where you have to watch your every word,” Krawcheck writes. “I’m pretty tired of the term ‘authentic’, but if you can’t be authentic in your job, then it’s time to look for another job.”

Even small things seem overwhelming

Physical, emotional or psychological exhaustion from work can manifest itself in a number of ways, and the biggest sign of burnout is that you can no longer cope with even the smallest setbacks.

Stress at work is inevitable, but no moment should feel so overwhelming that you can't handle it. If you start to feel depressed about every little thing that happens at work, then this may be a sign that you need to move on.

You're not growing

“It's easy to get stuck in a job, and if you love what you do, being stuck can feel comfortable,” Travis Bradberry writes on LinkedIn. “One way or another, it is important to remember that any job should improve your skills and add value to you as an employee.”

Bradberry warns that if you're not learning anything new and are just doing the same things every day, then it's time for you to look for something new.

Mark Cendella, founder and director of career resource The Ladders, agrees with this sentiment and emphasizes that if you haven't learned a single new skill, discovered a single new perspective, or learned a single new workflow in the last six months of work, then this could be a sign that you need to leave.

"With the modern economy and modern employers placing such a premium on responsibility, it's important that you not only learn new things, but that you continue to learn them all the time," he told Business Insider.

You can't laugh out loud at work

“Yes, I know, work is called work for a reason, but in most of my jobs I have had a comfort level that has led to laugh-out-loud moments,” Krawcheck writes. “If those moments are gone, that could be a key signal.”

Your company is not investing in you

Employee engagement is one of those buzz phrases we hear around all the time, but there is a specific reason why it is used so often: employee engagement really does matter.

As Gallup notes, engaged employees are passionate, creative, and have an emotional connection to their work missions and goals, while disengaged employees feel disinterested in their work and can destroy an entire business.

If your company does not demonstrate its interest in your development, then you are better off going to work somewhere else.

You worry about money all the time

It's true that most of us worry about money from time to time, but if that worry becomes an ongoing concern and you're not a shopaholic, then it's possible that you're not getting paid enough.

If you've been at the company long enough, try talking to your management about it. Make sure your argument for why you should receive a higher salary is well prepared and relevant to the situation. Then ask for an estimate.

If a company doesn't agree that you deserve a salary commensurate with your workload, then it may be time to find a company that doesn't feel like it's doing you a favor by paying you, Taylor says.

Do you think layoffs are coming?

There are several signs that your company is facing layoffs, from a recent round of layoffs to recent sales and mergers.

"There's no point in going down with this ship," Taylor says. “Put on your life preserver and jump into the water yourself.”

You can't imagine yourself in the company in a year

As Business Insider previously reported, according to the Welches, a year is the optimal time to find a new, more acceptable job. That's why they recommend trying to look 12 months ahead and try to imagine yourself after that time: what place in the organization you will occupy, what kind of work you will do, who you will manage, and who will manage you.

“If this scenario doesn't make you feel anything other than mildly nervous, then you're probably stuck,” they say.

You have experienced a series of trust issues

If you don't trust your boss or your company because you think they're involved in unethical practices or, worse, they expect you to be involved in them, then you know it's time to leave, he says. Taylor.

"You should never feel pressured to engage in activities that could harm your career," she says. “And if you've lost trust in your boss because of lies or false promises, it can be very difficult to stay put.”

You feel like your boss was sent straight from hell.

As management professor Meridith Ferguson once said, most people leave their bosses, not their jobs.

According to Taylor, your boss's behavior doesn't just affect your time at work; it actually affects many important aspects of your life.

If you've tried every possible option to get work done, but your life remains unbearable, then it's time to visit your favorite job site, she says.

You eat heartburn pills like candy

Sometimes it's amazing how far the impact of job dissatisfaction can go. But, just like a bad situation at work can harm your mental and emotional state, it can cause havoc in your body too.

Researchers have found a link between work stress and heartburn symptoms, such as a burning sensation in the esophagus and nausea. If the structure of your belly stops resembling what it should be, it could be a sign that your job is about to take your body as a sacrifice, and very few jobs are worth your health.

Have you stopped trying to bring your friends to work?

"If the thought of connecting your current employer with your friends only makes you cringe, then it could be a sign that you've lost love for your current job," Cenedella told Business Insider. “If a voice deep inside you whispers that this is not the kind of place you would be proud to show off to your friends, then perhaps this is a sign that this is no longer a place you would be proud to be a part of.”

Are you afraid of Mondays?

“We all hate Mondays from time to time, but if the mere thought of work makes you cringe, then it's probably time to quit,” Bradberry writes.

While "Sunday Night Blues" is a fairly common occurrence, one of the biggest signs that you're burnt out at work, according to burnout expert Ben Fanning, is that you start to feel like the weekend is liberating, and deep down inside... you are afraid to return to your job.

“You can tell you're under a lot of stress if you feel relieved when the weekend comes,” he says.

The grass really is greener

If you are looking for prospects for career growth, but they are not in your company, or you want to continue doing the same work, but in another company, then they do not exist the best way to say that it’s time for you to quit than to conduct the simplest classical analysis.

If you compare your current job to a potential job head-to-head, and your current job clearly comes up short (measure tangible things like salary, benefits, reviews from former and current employees), then you can't deny the obvious.

Do you have another option at hand?

"One of the best criteria for determining when it's time to quit is ideally to have an alternative option already in place," says Tyler Parris, author of Chief of Staff: The Strategic Partner Who Will Revolutionize Your Organization.

He told Business Insider that whether you're about to start own business Whether you need to build a few cases before making the leap, or you're simply about to move from one job to another, preparing an alternative option before leaving is always the best choice. This means it may take you several months of research before you actually know it's time to leave.

1 -1

Almost every person spends a considerable part of his life at the workplace. In view of this, the work regime wage and other conditions should give satisfaction to the worker. It is this kind of activity that is worthy of attention. But if every morning the thought arises: “I don’t want to go to work,” then it’s worth analyzing the reasons for this reluctance.

If this is simple laziness, but everything else is fine, then you need to work on yourself. If you don’t like your job, and there is a whole list of things in which it doesn’t suit you, then it’s best to consider the option of changing your team, office, or even field of activity.

Self-destruction instilled in childhood

How to make a decision when in doubt? There are many ways and tricks that will help you cope with this task. First of all, you need to refuse the recommendations of people who lived in Soviet times. After all, they never had the thought: “I don’t want to go to work,” they only had the understanding that they had to go and should be grateful to their employer for helping them earn their bread and butter. What can I say, such an inveterate thought was introduced to our ancestors by the experienced “slave owners” of those times. And if they were looking for a new job, then before leaving the old one. So as not to take risks and not be left with nothing.

From childhood they were told: “Work, otherwise you won’t earn enough to retire, work in one place so that the state will value you and provide for you in your old age.” You can talk about this topic for a long time, the main thing is, before you hear them, take a look at whether their activities in one workplace were overrated? Do they live without denying themselves anything? Probably not.

Solution path

Therefore, you should not be afraid to move from place to place until you find a job that will bring joy and not burden your life. That is, first of all, you must realize that there is nothing wrong with changing your job or profession. Do not follow the lead of those who adhere to the opinion established over the years that one must endure and work through force. Of course, it’s good if you like the job, and you will work at it for decades, conquering career heights. But if the work is not to your liking, then there is no need to waste your energy.

Of course, you shouldn’t prove to your grandparents or mom and dad that they are not modern and don’t understand anything. Understand that this is their opinion and they have the right not to deviate from it. Nevertheless, you are a person of a new generation who is more confident and knows what was inaccessible to your ancestors. So just go your own way and don’t let the decision be made for you.

Common reasons for dismissal

How do you know when it's time to quit? This question has a lot of answers. After all, each person has his own reasons and ambitions. However, there are a number of underlying issues that cause people to break down and leave their jobs. These include:

  • Feeling of self-doubt in work time. When a person cannot be himself in the office where he spends a large part of his life, over time he begins to burn out. He doesn’t know whether to quit or not, and is carrying an unbearable burden, suppressing his temper and forgetting that he is a person. When the last drop of patience falls into the cup, the employee finds ways to decide to quit, and does it without hesitation.

  • There is not a moment left to yourself. If a job brings income, but a person cannot even afford to go to a hairdresser or undergo a medical examination, then such activity is exhausting, and the search begins for a vacancy that will allow him to take care of himself and live in pleasure. Only workaholics can withstand such a busy schedule, while others leave such jobs.
  • Low salary is a common reason for dismissal. Only a few who do not have any professional qualities agree to work for pennies. The majority of people are not ready to sell their time for a nominal fee, so they leave their jobs in search of a better place.
  • Harmful to health. Whether it's a productive workshop that has a detrimental effect on health, or a dusty office where you can't breathe, many people don't like these conditions. Hence, this becomes another common reason for quitting.
  • Insult and biased attitude on the part of superiors is another nuance that becomes the reason for the dismissal of personnel from the company.
  • There is no opportunity to grow in your career. Before you decide that it’s time to quit, you need to understand for sure whether all doors at the stage of career growth are really closed for you. The lack of such an opportunity puts many people into a stupor, and the desire to work disappears.

In any case, before deciding whether to quit or not, it is worth analyzing the reasons why such a desire arose. Perhaps you are just tired, or maybe you really should leave your unloved, exhausting job forever.

Feeling in danger

Before making a decision, if you are in doubt about its soundness, it is worth considering whether the work is safe. If while at work:

  • You are being threatened.
  • Your life is regularly at risk.
  • Your activities are associated with dangerous people.

There are two solutions. The first one is to try to solve the problem by contacting senior management. The second of them, if the first did not help, is dismissal. After all, there is nothing more important than safety and a sense of security for a person. You can always find a place where it will be comfortable and safe.

Work is harmful to health

How do you know whether or not to quit your current job? Yes, very simple! If your job is harmful to your health and makes you weak, then it is not your job.

No matter how much money you pay for your work, no matter how great the team is and how interesting the work is, if at the end of the month you give half of your salary to medical institution, in order to improve your health, such a place is not worth the candle.

Feeling depressed and unsure of yourself

You need to leave your job if you are no longer confident that you like what you do. Doing work for show, you will never be able to feel the joy of the activity. When you are not confident in your strengths and capabilities, leaving your current job, there is a risk of grabbing any thread and going to do just anything. In this case, it is much wiser to quit and wait for time to rest and recover from a job that does not satisfy your ambitions and makes you lack self-confidence. Therefore, in the question of “to quit or not,” it is better to make a decision in favor of leaving.

You don't have time for yourself

Good job with high pay and a nice team should not become the meaning of life. If you, while receiving a salary, cannot even afford to visit a beauty salon or go to the pool, or even just meet friends in a cafe, then it is better to consign such work to the past. Before you change your job to another, be sure to rest and give yourself the attention of your loved one. This will help motivate you to further search for a job that will leave you time to take care of yourself.

Perhaps you are simply setting your priorities and scheduling your work incorrectly. By doing the work according to a plan written with your own efforts, in some cases you may well have time to devote time to yourself. If no way helps, then it is better to leave the disgusted place and write a letter of resignation.

The salary level does not meet your needs

Do you work all day long, give your employer your time, and at the end of the month you receive a meager salary that is not even enough for food, travel and entertainment? Is it worth working for such a greedy “uncle” who values ​​your efforts so low?

If you know for sure what your professional quality and skills allow you to get a higher-paying position, then why engage in charity?

If you don’t know how to quit without problems, then simply calmly and without accusations explain to your manager the reason. Tell him that you don’t have enough money for a normal life, you can even tell your boss about your expenses if you trust him with such questions. The boss will probably make a decision in your favor and raise your salary to the level you want. If, due to difficulties with the financial situation in the company or because of the boss’s principles, they cannot pay you enough, then feel free to write a statement. You don't have to work for pennies if your skills allow you to earn a much higher salary.

Leave with the words that you like everything, and if the situation in the company changes, you will be happy to return to your favorite workplace. This will help you leave a low-paying job with a clear conscience. At the same time, you will not cut off ends and you will be remembered as a professional, competent and sociable specialist.

You are being insulted by your manager or colleagues

Bullying is bad in any form. Perhaps you got to work when there was already a close-knit team there for a long time, and you were taken for an object to drain your soul. Or maybe the manager offends and gets personal with all his colleagues. In any case, it is unpleasant to work in such an atmosphere.

There are several ways out of this situation. The first is to explain constructively and in an accessible way to everyone that you will not allow such an attitude towards your person. The second is to start “teasing” your colleagues in the same way, so that they feel for themselves what you feel. The third is to leave the team in which unreasonable people with low intelligence work. Of course, it's worth leaving your job when you've tried all the options to improve your relationship, but they turned out to be useless. At the same time, you can leave without a twinge of conscience and unnecessary worries.

After all, as a good specialist, you will always find something better.

Lack of career growth opportunities

There are individuals who cannot live without satisfying their ambitions and aspirations. Therefore, for many, stable work in one place, where they pay well and have a friendly team, is insufficient motivation for activity. There are small offices in which there is no question of advancing anywhere, except perhaps to help the manager, which is sometimes impossible.

In this case, it is better for a person to write a letter of resignation and go to a large company where there are chances of promotion for those who try and fulfill the requirements of management.

When leaving an unpromising job, it is worth explaining the reason. Perhaps someday the company will begin to expand, and you will be invited to an interesting position that will be meaningful to you.

If, summing up, you still decide that there are more advantages in your work than disadvantages, then continue to work and work on yourself. If you still firmly decide that it’s time to leave the office forever, you need to take note of the following details:

  1. You are not obligated to give your time to your manager and colleagues if you are uncomfortable working with them.
  2. Only you have the right to decide what work is worthy of your attention.
  3. Don’t agree to “breakfasts” from your bosses, who once again promise to correct the situation and nothing has changed for a long time.
  4. You do not have to risk your health to work for the benefit of a company that is unable to provide normal work conditions.

Be decisive in your actions and plans. Achieve your goal of working where you will have everything you need: conditions, decent salary, pleasant team. If this is not the case, then feel free to quit and look for a better place.

In articles about personal development, the same advice appears: if you are tired of work, do not waste another minute of your precious time on it. There is only one life, and there is little time, so quit immediately and go do what you truly love.

Sounds tempting? The day you wake up and think you're tired of your job because it's boring, you're slow to progress, or you're not adding value to the world is possible.

1. Because no one but you will make work interesting.

Quitting a job because “it’s not interesting” means running away from a problem, not solving it. Where is the guarantee that new job will be better? There is no such guarantee, because any work sooner or later becomes routine.

The only way not to lose interest is to rekindle it yourself. Talk to your manager, initiate a new direction, take responsibility for responsibilities that the company never has time for. Find out if it is possible to take a training course at company expense. Start passing on your knowledge to new employees: for example, maintaining a manual of processes within the company. What needs to change to make work interesting? How will this benefit the company and colleagues? Formulate these two points - and go to the manager.

It’s easier to initiate an expansion of responsibilities at your current job rather than starting from scratch. And it will take even more time if you want.

And then the next point is relevant.

2. This work can be used as a transfer point

Especially if you are planning to move into another field of activity. In this case, you will need a reserve of time and money: while you are just getting your first experience, let your current job be a safety net, where your salary and experience are constantly “dripping”. You will literally have to work for two people, but quitting “nowhere” and starting from scratch without a stable income is also not at all easy.

3. Because with this job you have a stable salary

If at work you receive a stable white salary, then you should definitely think 10 times before deciding to quit. Compare your current earnings with average salaries in the industry: maybe there’s nowhere to quit?

Another important factor is your personal financial plan. If you plan to take out a loan or mortgage in the near future, you will have to confirm to the bank your solvency - that you regularly receive a salary. What other major expenses are you planning for this year? Car maintenance, new insurance policy, repairs, surgery? It may simply not be profitable to quit.

4. Because sometimes the social package covers all the disadvantages

Make a list of all the bonuses that your company has. Starting with little things like tea, coffee, cookies and ending with a discount on sports, a library of business literature, English training, voluntary health insurance and compensation for expenses on transport or a mobile phone.

We often don't appreciate what we get for free. If a company provides a gym and a French tutor, calculate how much you would spend on them yourself: for example, in Moscow it costs more than one hundred thousand a year.

Also, evaluate how “white” your company is. Maybe you are going to go on maternity leave after some time? Or apply for a tax deduction for training or treatment - without an official 2-NDFL certificate from work they will not give it to you. Do you have a white salary? Are sick leave paid? All this is also a bonus of your work. You can quit quickly, but finding a company from which you can safely go on maternity leave is much more difficult.

5. Because there are more opportunities for career growth here.

It’s easier to prove yourself where you know everyone. Typically, new employees are taken seriously only a year after starting work. By this time, you have already met your colleagues and shown how responsibly you take tasks.

If you suddenly become bored, this is a reason to set new goals for yourself and take on more responsibilities. It's easier to do this at your current place of work. It’s also easier to raise your salary where you work for at least six months.

6. Because being fired without cause won't make your resume look good.

Before leaving, consider how it will affect your resume. Remember that any HR manager treats “flyers” with suspicion. How will you explain your dismissal at your next interview? “The relationship with the team didn’t work out” and “it was just not interesting” - this sounds infantile.

Those who have worked in the company for only a few months should pay particular attention to this point. A short period of work is one of the filters by which employers screen out candidates. For a nice line on your resume, two or three years of work in a company is enough: you work, learn everything, and leave because there are no career prospects.

7. Because sometimes it’s better to “sit out” difficult times.

Finding a job is not that easy at all. Sometimes it's important to just have a stable way to earn money. Yes, let’s say this work doesn’t make your eyes sparkle. But they need your help and every month they transfer you a salary for it.

Look at your work from the outside. Write a list of pros and cons. Evaluate him soberly: maybe it’s not about work at all? If you're tired of commuting to the office for a long time, try agreeing that you will work remotely at least one or two days a week. If you want to do something else, talk about it with your manager directly - maybe you will be able to give up some of your boring responsibilities and replace them with new ones. Maybe you just feel a constant Groundhog Day in your life and are tired of the repetitive home-work-home rhythm? Then it’s definitely not about work: you just need to try to bring more experiences into your life, for example, going on an excursion or planning a vacation.

In any job, a large percentage of routine duties. Any position with an exciting title will require you to sort through mail every day, issue invoices, tinker with closing documents, check the work of others, and so on. Everyone has their own routine.

Let work remain the place where you earn money for a living. And let life be your main business.

Psychologists say that it is necessary to change jobs every 3 years. This will prevent responsibilities from becoming routine and will expand opportunities for development. At the same time, about 40% of Russians at least once regretted their decision to leave. Finding a middle ground and understanding whether or not to quit your job is not easy, but it is quite possible if you approach the issue wisely.

Alarm Signals

Low wages are not the only reason to think about change.

There are several main signs indicating deep dissatisfaction with current activities:

It is important that the new activity does not take up all your free time and brings the desired income. If there is a fear of going “nowhere,” you can start by switching to remote activities with a free schedule, which will provide a reliable rear.

Why is it difficult to quit?

Most people find it impossible to instantly fulfill their desire to quit their job.

There are certain categories of workers for whom it is especially difficult to make an important decision:

How to make the right decision

In order not to regret a lost career, you need to think carefully about everything. You need to quit your job consciously, and not as a result of an instant impulse. There are ways to understand the situation and feel protected.

Experts advise writing a list consisting of one hundred unique items and reflecting the vision of an ideal place to work. While composing it, you must not be interrupted or distracted by extraneous matters, so as not to lose the desired mood. It is necessary to list everything - from the global to the smallest details.

The first 30 items typically reflect daily thoughts and experiences. The following 40 theses are transitional on the path from everyday life to new ideas. The last 30 issues speak of true aspirations. A clear discrepancy between what is desired and what is actual will help you take the decisive step.

If doubts about whether to quit or not prevent you from making a decision, you need to clearly determine the direction of your future activities.

Mentally listing all the skills that may be useful in a new place will help you gain confidence. If you need to put your thoughts in order, you should rest during the first two weeks after leaving.

It’s great if you can get the support of friends and family who will help you decide whether to quit or not. To do this, you will have to explain to your loved ones how important these changes are. An outside opinion can also protect you from rash actions.

In order to avoid financial difficulties, part of the money needs to be put into a piggy bank. It is advisable to have an amount equal to a six-month budget. Part-time work and refusal to purchase unnecessary things will help you accumulate it.

It is necessary to correctly prioritize. The right opportunity may never come, so if work interferes with living a full life, then you should not put off writing your resignation letter.